As the protector of your home’s water quality, you know there are plenty of things to focus on, including taste, odour, appearance, possibly harmful contaminants, and even problems with your plumbing. However, there’s one more consideration you can’t see with the naked eye: pH level.

All water has a pH level, just like your own body. Unlike your body, though, your home’s tap water doesn’t have built-in mechanisms to ensure this pH level remains optimal. Your water can have different positions on the pH scale, ranging from acidic to alkaline (or basic). 

Because water can negatively impact your home if its pH is too high or low, knowing your options is helpful. Beyond the pH of the water level affecting your home, some people also seek out a Purchase Alkaline Water System because they believe alkaline water can bring specific health and flavour benefits.

What is Alkaline Water?

The first step in controlling the pH level of your water is to understand what this measurement means and why it matters. 

What Does the pH Scale Mean?

When calculating something’s pH, you find a number from zero to 14. For example, pure water sits at seven and is considered neutral, while battery acid is at zero (acidic) and liquid drain cleaner is at 14 (basic or alkaline).

How Does Water Become Alkaline or Acidic?

Because almost everything in nature has a pH level, constant chemical reactions happen in the outside world. Your water can be part of these reactions from the source to your faucet. Water often passes over rocks and other features along the way, causing it to pick up minerals like magnesium that impact the overall pH level. 

However, you can also change the pH level of your drinking water by yourself, like an alkaline water filter pitcher or reverse osmosis system with an alkaline filter. You can also purchase Alkaline Water System or bottled alkaline water, but this can be more expensive, and plastic waste can harm the environment.

The Science Behind Alkaline Water

Now that you know what alkaline water is, let’s find out why so many people want it in their drinking glass — and whether there’s solid science behind these claims.

Possible Benefits of Alkaline Water

For many, the word “alkalinity” suggests refreshing, invigorated water. These alleged benefits include:

  • Digestive improvements
  • Metabolic improvements
  • Weight loss
  • Immune support
  • Superior hydration
  • Cancer resistance

Is Alkaline Water Bad For Your Home?

There’s frequently a link between naturally alkaline water and hard water, challenging water problems. The minerals responsible for water hardness, including calcium and magnesium, can reduce water acidity. As a result, alkaline water may be associated with common hard water symptoms like limescale buildup, impacted water flow, or reduced efficiency of water-using appliances. The good news is that this correlation is often specific to naturally occurring alkalinity — so an alkaline water filter won’t cause water hardness, and it is proven good to Purchase an Alkaline Water System.

How an Alkaline Water Filter Works

If you’re interested in alkaline drinking water, it’s best to consider an alkaline water system or sink water filter that supports alkaline remineralization. Why? Other solutions — like an alkaline water pitcher, alkaline water machine, or bottled water with alkaline minerals — can be wasteful and generally less comprehensive in effectiveness. In contrast, a home water filtration system may be capable of adding alkaline minerals and reducing contaminants like heavy metals and chlorine simultaneously.

Many alkaline water systems begin as water filtration systems. The best options for these water filter solutions utilize reverse osmosis (RO) to reduce contaminants. The process starts when water is highly pressurized and sent through various initial filters, preparing it for reverse osmosis. Next, the water is forced through a reverse osmosis membrane, which filters additional contaminants. The final step involves additional speciality filtration stages, resulting in a cleaner drink of tap water.

After RO treatment, filtered water is generally neutral, which means it has an approximate pH level of seven (though this actual measurement can vary based on the pH level of your water initially).

These cartridges become part of the speciality filtration at the end of the reverse osmosis process by adding minerals that block some CO2 absorption. This can result in a moderate increase in pH that can enhance the taste of your tap water without causing challenging water problems like limescale buildup in your plumbing.

Although a good RO water filter and alkalinity mineral boost cartridge combination can be a great solution, it’s important to note that the result is dependent on the state of your incoming water; that’s because your water’s original pH level — acidic, neutral or alkaline — can change the outcome of your alkaline water filter process.

Buy an alkaline water purification system.

Everyone deserves clean and drinkable water, but it doesn’t mean everyone needs alkaline water. Investing in an alkaline water purification system offers the allure of enhanced hydration and potential health benefits. These systems, often utilizing electrolysis, elevate the pH of water, promising to neutralize acidity and provide antioxidant-rich hydration. Despite their claims, the scientific consensus remains inconclusive on the vast array of benefits asserted by manufacturers.

While some studies suggest potential advantages, such as improved hydration and antioxidant properties, the overall research is limited and often conducted on animals or in vitro. Individual responses vary, and personal anecdotes should be taken with caution.

Here are a few things to think about when considering alkaline water filters:

  • Taste: If the pH of your tap water is constantly fluctuating, it’s difficult to rely on a consistently crisp taste. An alkaline water filter helps make pH levels more predictable, allowing you to achieve a taste you love.
  • Health: Most people have no health risks from trying an alkaline water filter. While the potential benefits haven’t been proven, this is your chance to see whether pH-invigorated water can make a difference.
  • RO filters: If you already have a reverse osmosis filter, adding an alkaline filter cartridge is quick and easy. Suppose you don’t have one of these systems. In that case, you’ll need to have one installed first — but remember, reverse osmosis water filtration systems are great for reducing the presence of water problems beyond just pH, which means this might be an excellent opportunity to improve your water quality. 
  • Water hardness: Natural alkalinity can come with water hardness issues. A water softener can help address these problems, so water softeners and alkaline water filters can and should be used together.
  • Preference: Ultimately, the alkaline vs. acidic water debate is about what you prefer. If you’re still unsure, consider an alkaline water filter that allows you to customize pH levels to try different tastes and decide what you like best.

Alkaline water system purchase

Alkaline Water Systems can give you a higher pH level and good health, which is believed to have potential health benefits. Drinking alkaline water may help mitigate acid in the body, thereby enhancing digestion and metabolism. Consider factors like filtration capabilities, ease of installation, and maintenance requirements when purchasing such a system. Research the product’s reputation, read customer reviews, and compare features to choose a system that aligns with your preferences and budget. Remember that while some health claims are made about alkaline water, scientific evidence is still evolving.

Get an alkaline water filter.

Acquiring an alkaline water filter can be a valuable addition to your household, promoting a healthier lifestyle through improved hydration. These filters work by raising the pH of your tap water, making it less acidic and potentially offering various health advantages. Some believe alkaline water aids in neutralizing acid in the body, potentially benefiting digestion and overall vitality. When selecting an alkaline water filter, consider filtration efficiency, ease of installation, and filter replacement frequency. It’s advisable to opt for a reputable brand with positive user feedback and to compare features to find the ideal fit for your needs. Although some health claims associated with alkaline water are still under investigation, consulting with a healthcare professional before making dietary changes is recommended for a well-rounded perspective on its potential benefits.

The Final Word on Alkaline Water

At the end of the summary, alkaline water has proven suitable for health. Until then, resolving the alkaline vs. acidic water debate comes down to your preference. Luckily, because alkalinity in drinking water is generally considered safe for most people, there’s no harm in trying an alkaline water filter to see what you think and Purchase an Alkaline Water System.


Despite their advertised advantages, the efficacy of alkaline water systems remains uncertain. While proponents assert health benefits, such as pH balance and antioxidants, no scientific consensus exists. The significance of externally ingested alkaline water is doubted by the body’s complex pH regulation mechanisms. In addition, the substantial Purchase of an Alkaline Water System requires careful consideration. The evidence supporting transformative outcomes is currently inconclusive. Prospective purchasers should approach such claims sceptically, placing research-based evidence and individual health requirements above marketing rhetoric. In a market saturated with health products, it is crucial to make informed decisions. It is prudent to weigh the allure of alkaline water systems against their unproven efficacy until more robust scientific evidence arises.