Benefits Overview

Having a whole-house filtration system removes dangerous chemicals
and toxins from drinking and bathing water. Here are the some of the
other awesome benefits you’ll enjoy.


water filtration system

When water heats faster, you’ll use less energy to power your showers, sinks, washer/dryer, and dishwasher. The results is an almost 30% reduction of your energy bills – which is also great for the environment too.


filtration water systems

Think of all the money you spend each year on shampoos, conditioners, dish soap, laundry detergent, and other cleaning supplies. Then imagine using up to 75% less of these soaps and detergents at home. You’ll save hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars per year, and remove the need to use products that contain toxins & chemicals.


whole house water filtration system

How much money do you spend each year on bottled water? And how many of those bottles go directly to into landfill or our oceans? With a Wellness system, you can drink freely out of any faucet and instantly get great-tasting, safe water.

Bottled water produces up to 1.5 million tons of plastic waste per year. That plastic requires up to 47 million gallons of oil per year to produce.


Less rust, decay, and build-up means your appliances last up to 30% longer – which can add 3 to 5 years to the lifespan of your existing equipment. You’ll save money with fewer repairs or replacements.

Clean water for laundry


Wouldn’t it be nice to step out of your bath or shower and feel smooth and soft from head to toe? High quality water leaves hair and skin soft and healthy – without the help of expensive beauty products and moisturizers.

Cleaning face with clear water

Over 70% of your body is made up of water. Doctors recommend drinking 6 to 8 glasses per day.


under sink water filter installation

When there’s no residue in your water, you won’t have to waste time cleaning and scrubbing scum and scale deposits found everywhere in your home. Envision spotless glasses, clean tub and shower, ring-free toilets, and sinks/faucets with no water marks.

water filter san diegoEVERYTHING TASTES BETTER

With no (chlorine), metals, and other contaminants in your water, you’ll finally be able to taste the freshness of your food. And your morning coffee will be more flavorful and delicious then ever…

The Difference is Clear – Get Started Today.

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